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Export email attachments

EEAttachments can export your Exchange, O365, MSGraph Gmail or IMAP mails with attachments in order to process it within your own workflow.

E-Mailanhänge aus Exchange weiterverarbeiten


EEattachments will export your mailfields and attachments automatically into your filesystem. After that it can start batch files which helps you to get it into the workflow you like.


Export and process messages from Exchange, Microsoft 365, Gmail, IMAP, Microsoft Graph and their attachments.


Extract and save exchange attachments to your local folder and process it!

EEAttachments can export your messages and attachments automatically from Exchange, Google Gmail, Microsoft Graph or IMAP mailboxes into your file-system. It can export your e-mail content as eml, xml as well as any other message field in order to process it's content within your workflow.

The scope of application lies in the processing of incoming mails from which information such as subject, body text, attachment or other information should be processed via xml or eml file in external systems.

The service can filter and then process the received messages according to your requirements. Processing is carried out either by an external program that you start with the desired parameters (data from the e-mail) or with PowerShell or other scripts. This makes it possible to fill databases, store e-mails in the file system according to an automatically generated structure or to change or forward e-mails.

For example, you can use the program to print emails on arrival in the mailbox, while the program or script to be executed parameters are given, which correspond to the content of fields of the processed e-mail.

Download EEAttachments and test it with 6 mailboxes!


EEAttachments can assist you in following scenarios:

Minimum system requirements:

Windows 7 or higher, Windows Server 2012 R2 or higher which is running 24/7

More info

Below you will find some links that you can use to facilitate the program and the function. See the link, depending on whether you read your mailbox via IMAP, Exchange web service, Gmail or Microsoft Graph.

Furthermore, after installing the program, you will find two directories (mail processing and attachment processing) in which you will find ready-to-use scripts for processing.

Here you will find the Privacy Policy for the Gmail connection.

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You will get:

  • License key via email
  • You can set up one Mailbox per license.
  • Lifelong free upgrades
  • Support via email / for free