Extended ExMixedFolders configuration
Over time, additional functions have been added to ExMixedFolders by a variety of customer needs. Most of these features are hiddenbecause its not needed to the masses. I do not want to deny you the features and ideas behind it, as the one or the other might justneed one of these functions.
Attach category while syncing
This function was implemented in order to distinguish between different users, each of the users would have it's own category. Each of the elements which is touched from ExMixedFolders get's a category.
In order to activate this behavior, you must change the configuration file manually. Please open in that case the according file "...job.settings.conf" from "C:\ProgramData\ExMixedFolders\".
Find or insert these entry:
insert the categoryname of your wish either into AddCategory1 or AddCategory2.
1 stands for sync between left to right and 2 from right to left.
Accept meetingrequests automatically
If you like to show only accepted meetigs in the target You can use this switch. ( You can use this function only in unidirectional mode )
In order to activate this behavior you must change the configuration file manually. Please open in that case the according file "...job.settings.conf" from "C:\ProgramData\ExMixedFolders\".
Change this setting from false to true:
Remove informations from element in order to show it as private
With the setting "ForceCleanPrivate" you can achieve that on the elements on the target folder are shown as empty elements (private). You can use this function only in unidirectional mode.
In order to activate this behavior you must change the configuration file manually. Please open in that case the according file "...job.settings.conf" from "C:\ProgramData\ExMixedFolders\".
Change this setting from false to true:
Don't sync Attachments
If you like to prevent attachments from being synchronized, for example, for privacy, or storage space reasons, then you can set the switche shown here.
<DontSyncAttachments>true</ DontSyncAttachments>
(The switch is only possible with unidirectional synchronization jobs.)
Don't sync Body
If you like to prevent the body from being synchronized, for example, for privacy, or you like to show only a free/busy solution, then you can set the switch shown here.
<DontSyncBody>true</ DontSyncBody>
(The switch is only possible with unidirectional synchronization jobs.)
Set FreeBusy property forced
If you use unidirectional synchronization, you can set FreeBusy Information other than the original item.
You can use the following values:
Not in use:
Out of office:
Working elsewhere:
Attach organizer to the subject of the appointment
With the setting "AddOrganizer2Appointments" you can reach that the organizer of the appointment is attached to the subject, which is only possible in unidirectional mode.
In order to activate this behavior, you must change the configuration file manually. Please open in that case the according file "...job.settings.conf" from "C:\ProgramData\ExMixedFolders\".
Change this setting from false to true:
If you want to have this behavior only on private elements, you can use the following setting:
Add a prefix to the subject
With the setting "Add2Subject1" on the left or "Add2Subject2" on the right, you can add a prefix to the subject. This setting only works in unidirectional mode.
Here's an example: "[EMPLOYEE] SUBJECT"
To set the property, open the appropriate "... job.settings.conf" file in "C:\ProgramData\ExMixedFolders\".
and add the entry either for right with <Add2Subject2 /> or for left with <Add2Subject1 />.
An example:
<Add2Subject1>[TEXT TO BE ADDED]</Add2Subject1>
Choose synchronized SMTP addresses in GAL jobs
Take this switch if you like to select the synchronized SMTP eMail-address in a GAL job by yourself.
In order to activate this behavior, you must change the configuration file manually. Please open in that case the according file "...job.settings.conf" from "C:\ProgramData\ExMixedFolders\".
Set the unneeded addressfields to false:
Exchange Throttling policy
The speed of ExMixedFolders is depending on the fact how we can run folders togheter without getting conflicts, but also from the Exchange Throttling Policy.
ExMixedFolders will find it's best settings in between a band of MaxDegreeOfParallelismAutoMax -MaxDegreeOfParallelismAutoMin which you can change if you like.
Please open the file named C:\ProgramData\ExMixedFolders.settings.conf and search for:
If you want to decrease the load of your exchange server and also the CPU load of your PC where ExMixedFolders is running, you can decrease the value of MaxDegreeOfParallelismAutoMax.
If you think ExMixedFolders should run faster, you can increase the MaxDegreeOfParallelismAutoMax value but also you should decrease the Throttling on your Exchange Server as follows:
Exchange 2010
New-ThrottlingPolicy ExMixedFoldersPolicy
Set-ThrottlingPolicy ExMixedFoldersPolicy -EWSMaxConcurrency $null
Set-Mailbox [MAILBOXNAME] -ThrottlingPolicy ExMixedFoldersPolicy
Exchange 2013
New-ThrottlingPolicy ExMixedFoldersPolicy
Set-ThrottlingPolicy ExMixedFoldersPolicy -EwsCutoffBalance Unlimited -EwsMaxBurst Unlimited -EwsRechargeRate Unlimited -EWSMaxConcurrency unlimited
Set-Mailbox [MAILBOXNAME] -ThrottlingPolicy ExMixedFoldersPolicy
hide thisby Get-ThrottlingPolicy |fl EWS* you can show the current settings relevant to EWS.
Your own syncjobconfiguration as a template
As you can see above, there are some ways to configure the task to your own wishes. Unfortunately, not all settings in the GUI can be made available, so you may need to help with the editor. However, if you always need tasks that are configured according to a specific pattern, then I recommend that you create them as a template. You need to save an already configured task with the extension .jobtemplate in C:\ProgramData\ExMixedFolders\ in order to make it available in ExMixedFolders.
If you later open the [Synchronizationtask] menu, your preconfigured tasks will be displayed as a menu item.
Settings in settings.conf
Settings "C:\ProgramData\ExMixedFolders\Settings.conf" and its meaning.
- StreamingNotificationAllowed: ExMixedFolders can use StreamingNotifications from Exchange.
- IgnoreReadFlagChangeOnPublicFolders: Read/Unread on public folders are not processed.
- UseFTItemCache: Fast Transfer Stream (FTS) is used, which is default since 2010.
- MaxDegreeOfParallelism... Performance optimization, see above.
- IgnoreReadFlagChange: Read/Unread flag is not processed while synchronization.
- MaxPollingInterval: If ExMixedFolders detects no changes from Exchange, it is allowed to wait this time bevor it polls next time. (On StreamingNotificationAllowed=true this setting is not needed)
- LastModificationTimeDiffInSeconds: The last modification must be this old until it is processed.
- WebPort: Folderoverview port.
- MirrorResetItemDelMode: In Mirrormode it will delete Items which are already on the Target, when synchronization was started.