Somebytes SoftwareSomebytes Software Development


Order ExMixedFolders licenses

Which or how many licenses should I buy?

1. One license per mailbox

One mailbox costs -. However there are volume discount prices, and also one mailbox is free. The free license is already inside the demo version and ready to use.

If you use impersonation, you need one mailboxlicense for this user as well.


How many licenses do I need if I want to sync an amount of mailboxes?

  1. One or more folders in one mailbox should be synchronized with one or more public folders. (Impersonation is not in use) => no license is needed because one mailbox is free
  2. One or more folders in one mailbox should be synchronized with one or more public folders. (Impersonation is in use but the serviceuser is not the same as the user who owns the mailbox to be synchronized) => You need one license for one of the two users.
  3. You want to sync calendars and contacts of 10 users with public folder contact or calendars. (Impersonation is not in use) => You need 9 lizences (one is free).
  4. You want to sync calendars and contacts of 10 users with public folders but you don't want to know the username and passwords for the users. (You need to use impersonation) => 10 licenses will be neded, we use 11 users and one license for the serviceuser which is free.
  5. One or more folders in one mailbox have to be synchronized with another mailbox on a second organisation. (Impersonation is not in use) => You need one licesense because you need licenses for two users but one is free).
  6. One or more folders in one mailbox have to be synchronized with another mailbox on a second organisation. (Impersonation is in use) => You have to buy 3 licenses because we have 4 users in use but one license is free.

Do you need licenses for more than 50 users, you need the 50 mailboxes license.

Do you need licenses for more than 100 users, you need the 100 mailbox license.

2. Licensing by mailbox as a subscription

This type is very convenient of you need the service only for a short period of time e.G. if you like to use ExMixedFolders for migration of mailboxes between servers.

If you use this type you need to give ExMixedFolders the ability to connect to the SOMEBYTES license server which is in the web.

One mailbox is already free inside.

If you like to buy subscription licenses, please contact me with your subscription-ID which you can find from EWS => Licenses => Subscription

3. Enterprise license

If you need more then 100 licenses it's the best choice to use the enterprise license with does not count the mailboxes. This type can be used as multi tenant as well. Please contact me by mail if you need such a license.

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