Sync Outlook.com accounts
2016 Microsoft has migrated the old hotmail, live and msn accounts into it's new Outlook.com. You got features like Web-AddIns, rules and easy integration into mobile devices or Outlook on the desktop. The best for ExMixedFolders is, that they have switched on the EWS service.
ExMixedFolders is using the EWS for it's Connections to Exchange so now it's possible to get access to these free accounts as well. ExMixedFolders can use Outlook.com now as any other Exchange or Office 365 account, without any change.
In order to configure a service-connection to Outlook.com you can use autodicover in most of the cases.
If autodiscover does not help, you can use the url "https://outlook.com/EWS/Exchange.asmx" or "https://outlook.office365.com/EWS/Exchange.asmx".