Somebytes SoftwareSomebytes Software Development


Step-by-Step instruction for Synchronization of Exchange folders among each other.

with the synchronization solution ExMixedfolders.

Here you can see how to get started with ExMixedFolders

1. Create EWS connection(s)

In the first step you build a connection to the EWS with the help of a user account.

It can be created manual, per Autodiscover or via Microsoft 365 Modern Authentication.

In the following Video you can see how a connection to Office 365 is created.

To understand the video you have to open the ExMixedFolders-Configurator and right click the empty field „add Exchange Service connection“.

In the following dialog you can enter all of the needed information you need for the connection to Exchange EWS.

2. Create synchronization tasks

After configurating the EWS connection, you can use it to configurate folder synchronizations between different connections

There are different task-types possible where in the video just the synchronization of Exchange folders is shown. Therefore please click „create synchronization“ in the menu.

Further possibilities are: